The JOurney Begins

Good Company in a journey makes the way seem shorter - Izaak Walton

"What really turned me over was the ability to understand how everything works."


I would like to thank you for dropping by my site.I know you would want to know more about me and my work so here we go.

My name is Shivanand Pujari and I live in Mumbai,India.I completed Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunication in year 2014 from University of Mumbai. 


DNS is Domain Name System which typically has hostname to IP mapping.To reach anywhere in the Internet you need IP address (basically corresponds to home address of that website). Remembering IP address would become difficult and DNS servers eliminates the need to memorize the IP address and makes it easier t by having a hostname so DNS is basically hostname to IP address mapping.
How does the browser know what is the address of ?Lets find out ….


Zscaler is a global cloud-based information security company that provides Internet security, web security, firewalls, sandboxing, SSL inspection, antivirus, vulnerability management and granular control of user activity in cloud computing, mobile and Internet of things environments.Let us see follow the steps in troubleshooting Zscaler Scenarios